
Realtime is the instantaneous translation of the court reporter’s stenographic notes into English. The Court Reporter cables directly to your computer, providing counsel with hands on access to the realtime testimony which appears on your computer screen.

To see a Realtime Deposition in action, watch this short Deposition Demo:

What does this mean for you? You are now able to privately interact with the witness’ testimony in real time. Totally eliminate the need for note taking by using the high-light and annotation features of the software [LiveNote]. Isolate every instance of interesting testimony and use the witness’ own words to help you frame new questions. Carefully review questions and answers as needed. You may retrieve a particular answer, and while the deposition is still in progress, you can pause your screen and instantly revisit a crucial phrase.

This powerful tool gives you the opportunity to focus your attention and your eyes on the witness’ demeanor, body language and the nonverbal things taking place at the deposition.

At the conclusion of the deposition, a rough ASCII draft of the entire day’s testimony is available for your use. This rough daily copy can be used to prepare you for tomorrow’s deposition, or it can be immediately given to your expert or co-counsel.

Realtime is the perfect remedy to the problems experienced by the hearing-impaired witness.

It is important to remember that the Code of Civil Procedure mandates language that needs to be used in noticing realtime depositions. Go to CCP 2025.220 (5) (scroll down to 2025.220 (5)) or download the language of CCP 2025.220 (5).